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Run away from that jerk, baby!

Please Share Your Love

Advice for young girls

Life is a beautiful journey, with its ups and downs, joys and sorrows. However, the quality of the journey is often defined by the companions we choose. Every individual deserves a partner who values, respects and contributes positively to their life. This article seeks to guide young girls on how to identify and avoid toxic relationships and instead choose partners who amplify their happiness and potential. So, Run away from that jerk, baby!

1. Recognizing the “NPC” Syndrome

‘Non-Player Characters’ or NPCs, in the context of this article, refer to individuals who are stuck in a monotonous loop, refusing growth or change. They might:

  • Constantly complain about their life circumstances without making efforts to improve them.
  • Shirk responsibilities, both minor and major.
  • Blame others for their own shortcomings.

While everyone has their own pace in life, it’s essential to identify when someone is genuinely struggling vs. when they’re in a self-made rut of negativity.

Unprepossessing and sloppy.

A lot of people look like that. And this is not a problem if the inconspicuousness of the slouch is only external but not innate. Run away from that jerk, baby.

NPCs – that’s what you call them today. A person without the ability to think independently – a sheep.
It is about those who do not live but live and decide for themselves how much and what they cannot do. Most often, they can’t do anything.

Men, mostly men who are afraid to try and fight. They define this as good self-judgment – but it is doom. That’s how they were brought up of cowardice, of scat, of shade. And shadows remain.

There are people around us who are NPCs.

These are the people who live in one workplace, work from nine to five and limit everything. Whole life. They were “modest”. In fact, they are cowards. They swear they don’t have as much money as they deserve and blame it on everyone else but themselves. The bosses, the colleagues, the Jews, the rich and the Russians.

When he gets home at five, and has all the time in the world but is tired. Overtired and has no strength either for the children or to touch anything at home because it is a woman’s job. He is a man. He “feeds” the family. With sausage.

But when you tell him to tighten up – you don’t understand him, and from time to time, he pathetically notes that he “can only do so much”.

Maybe he can do only that much!?

That could be an excuse, but not when these people can’t fix a bathroom mirror 4 years after the old one broke and when they can’t deal with a broken oven for two months.
Most often, they are equally troubled at work and in the family because no matter how much of a person with schizophrenia you are, there is no way to be a slob professionally and to be devoted and exemplary in the family.
Very often, unfortunately, it happens that besides being irresponsible, he is also smart or a good actor. Even then, you’ll still recognize him.

A lot of people look like that. And this is not a problem if the inconspicuousness of the slouch is only external but not innate. Run away from that jerk, baby.
Run away from that jerk, baby! | Run away from that jerk, baby!

See it, report it and don’t let the scumbag into your life!

Run away from that jerk, baby, as your life depended on it.
If you see him relaxed on the sofa and his look is generally tired – it won’t change. He was born that way. What do you need it for?

Getting into his tone and starting to believe that “work is not a rabbit to run away from”. Don’t get caught up in that crap saying. These are just words with thought behind them.
Well, that’s the scumbag’s problem. That thinking. He will only trip you up and drag you; in the end, you will become like him. You will justify your slow and miserable life by saying that you are modest and that good things only happen on TV.

Life can’t be a constant firework display. It’s true. And it’s also not every night we get to bed in a bed of roses. People are different, differently ambitious and differently active. With varying luck. And everyone has their downs in life.

But the person next to you, one of the few things you can choose, has to be more.

To expect more from his life and do more for YOUR life.

1. The Power of Self-awareness

Before you can truly understand what you want from a partner, you need to know yourself.

  • Self-reflect: Engage in introspection. What are your goals, values, and non-negotiables in a relationship?
  • Seek Feedback: Sometimes, friends and family can offer insights about your relationship patterns that you might have overlooked.

2. Importance of Communication

Open dialogue is the bedrock of any relationship.

  • Honesty is Vital: Partners should be able to discuss their feelings, fears, and dreams without judgment.
  • Active Listening: It’s not just about expressing yourself but also about understanding and valuing your partner’s perspective.

3. Actions Over Words

Promises can be empty, but consistent actions are a true reflection of someone’s character.

  • Consistency: It’s not about grand gestures but the little things done consistently that matter.
  • Observe Behavior: How they treat others, especially when they think no one is watching, is very telling.

4. Pace Yourself

The initial stages of a relationship can be filled with passion and excitement. However, it’s essential to:

  • Stay Grounded: Remember to view things objectively.
  • Build a Foundation: Establish trust, mutual respect, and understanding before diving deep.

5. Know When to Walk Away

It can be tough, especially when emotions are involved, but recognizing when to leave a toxic relationship is crucial. Trust your instincts, and always prioritize your mental and emotional well-being.

You will ask how to choose the right person

Get to know yourself

First of all, get to know yourself. Ask yourself what you’re looking for. Take time to determine your values, beliefs and priorities in life. Take your time. A few months without a relationship can save you years with the wrong person. By discovering yourself, you will be able to recognize when you have found someone who matches your goals and values.
Look for someone who shares your hobbies and passions and who values the same things as you.

Pay attention to communication

Communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. Men and women very often speak different languages. The important thing is to find someone who is honest with you and who is willing to listen and compromise.

Watch his actions

Words matter, but actions speak louder than words. Observe how they treat others, their family and friends. Look for someone who is respectful, kind and compassionate. If he criticizes often, it means that at some point, you will also be the target of his criticism.

Run away from that jerk, baby!

Take your time with a relationship before you get to know the person. Take your time, and don’t settle for less than what you want or deserve.

Stay true to yourself, be patient and trust your instincts.

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    Please Share Your Love

    Hi, I am Maggie Lovange. If you look at the pictures on my wall, you'd think my life is lovely. A happy family - two parents, three children, three pets...

    Articles: 21

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