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The Joy of Balance: 5 Essential Hobbies for a Fulfilled Life

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Everyone has hobbies, right? They are essential for us humans to balance out our day-to-day lives.

A hobby is something we do for enjoyment in our free time, meaning it’s something we do not need to do but choose to do anyway. Without it, we would quite literally become overworked, unfulfilled machines.

Our lives are filled with unavoidable ‘To Do Lists,’ whether that includes tasks from your tiring 9-5 job, completing your overdue homework, or doing that mountain of dishes you left in the sink two nights ago. Now, if all we had to do was complete that horrible ‘To Do List,’ we would have no life left in us after a week.

5 Essential Hobbies

So, hobbies. They typically spark from personal interests or things we are curious about, but a hobby requires more than just a spark. A couple of years ago, when I struggled with my mental health, I had no hobbies. 

I had my ‘To Do List’:

  • Wake up.
  • Brush teeth.
  • Get dressed.
  • Go to school.
  • Do your homework.
  • Do your chores.
  • Shower.
  • Scroll on the phone for far too long.
  • Sleep.
  • Repeat.

Looks like your regular schedule, right? Or maybe it doesn’t, but if it does, something is wrong, and I’ll tell you how to fix it.

Through this article, I want to show you how important it is to incorporate 5 types of hobbies into your lifestyle.

Hobbies for Health

The first hobby I will discuss, and arguably the most important, is the activity that will keep your body happy and healthy. This includes things like cooking from scratch, going to the gym, signing up for a dance class, meditating, and more.

Hobby That Keeps You HEALTHY

This type of hobby is essential not only because it helps our bodies stay strong but also because it makes us happier. Along with producing dopamine, which improves our general mood,

physical activity is crucial for those who are struggling with mental illnesses such as panic attacks or anxiety.

However, this type of hobby requires commitment and discipline. It’s not something you can pick up overnight.

Don’t get me wrong, anyone can stay active in their own ways, but make sure you start small and work your way up to your goals. Don’t look at professional weightlifters and attempt to lift their weight.

I say ‘almost’ comfortable because, in my opinion, we should always aim to be around 15% out of our comfort zones. This will ensure you’re always working towards a new goal and consistently expanding your comfort zone, opening many doors of opportunities.

Five hobbies that can improve your health

A Hobby for Wisdom

Next up, in order of importance, a hobby that is academically supportive is an absolute must. 

The human brain matures in early adulthood, but what makes it truly amazing is its ability to constantly change and adapt. This remarkable development involves processes like neuron growth and continuous neural connection shifts, which don’t stop as we age. 

How the Brain Develops | Psychology Today

Some ideas could be reading, researching, traveling, etc. My dad always told me that a smart person never stops learning, which has really stuck with me.

There’s no age that defines the end of your learning. We should always be open to accepting more knowledge, even if you’ve got your letter from the queen (in the UK, when you turn 100 years old, the king/queen sends you a letter congratulating you!). 

Biologically, there is no ‘cap’ to our minds, so we can keep soaking up new perspectives and lessons from everywhere around us.

One valuable mindset I’ve embraced is the ability to find a lesson in absolutely everything I encounter, and I couldn’t recommend it more. You, too, can easily do this by looking deeply into your conversations and experiences, whether positive or negative. Believe me, it’s a perspective that can really enrich your life.

For example, you’re talking to one of your peers, and they are spitting complaint after complaint. Each sentence that leaves their mouths is filled with hatred. They always find the negative aspects of every situation, sounding like they are experts in hostility.

What you can learn from these individuals is how to ignore ill environments. They are perfect subjects for practicing positive thinking: Pick out the negativity and flip it for them. Not only are you practicing positive manifestation, but you could also help the individual see the light.

Hobby That Keeps You HEALTHY

People like this are surrounded by so much darkness, and sometimes, all they need is someone like you to open a window of light. I’ve realized that if I tried, I could discover a fresh life lesson in every day

All you need to do is pay a little more attention to the details, ask more questions, and listen to more answers. Stay curious.

Scientifically researched hobbies that develop your brain:

  1. Photography – By merging elements such as light and exposure, photography demands sharp concentration, enhancing problem-solving and mental agility.
  2. Gardening – Gardening connects you with soil bacteria that activate serotonin production in the brain, uplifting mood and improving cognitive abilities.
  3. Learning Music – Stanford’s 2007 study highlighted how our brains gravitate towards patterns in music, enhancing intelligence, mood, and overall productivity.
  4. Reading Literature – Beyond casual reading, delving deep into novels and poems elevates brain function, fostering emotional and intellectual stability.
  5. Language Learning – Multilingualism refines leadership and analytical skills, as grappling with grammar and vocabulary enhances cognitive prowess.
  6. Exercising Regularly – Consistent exercise surges the brain with BDNF, a protein that amplifies memory, comprehension, and focus.
  7. Quizzes – Beyond honing cognitive skills, quizzes—ranging from memory games to specialized subjects—offer insights into personal inclinations and strengths.
  8. Meditation – Neuroscientist Richard Davidson’s study on long-term meditating monks revealed their unique ability to regulate brain activity and cultivate deep compassion.

A Hobby for Prosperity

While money isn’t the only path to happiness, financial independence offers a peace of its own. Dive into ventures you’re passionate about, whether it’s content creation, entrepreneurship, or investments. Loving what you do is the key!

Alright, I know what you’re thinking, “But money doesn’t bring happiness!!” I know, and I completely agree with you. However, money is still essential in our world.

Hobby That Keeps You HEALTHY

So, since there’s no way to avoid our constant desire and need for money, my advice is to make sure you love your work. Some widely enjoyed career paths that many people find fulfilling include things like entrepreneurship, content creation, buying and selling, or other similar pursuits.

I, myself, am not in a position where I can just tell you “The Secret” to being happy at work because I’m still on that journey now. I’ve decided to focus on my education for as long as I can, explore various fields, and learn more about the real world before I take that huge step into it.

What my mother always instilled in us is this: Pursue a profession you’re passionate about, and it won’t feel like work since you’ll genuinely enjoy it. This philosophy holds true for my mom, sister, and brother.

My mother is immersed in the world of graphic design. Always on the hunt for the latest design trends, she’s enthusiastic about trying out new software and brainstorming innovative ideas. Once she gets engrossed in a project, she can be glued to her computer for hours on end.

My sister, on the other hand, is a photographer. While she specializes in property photography to earn her living, her camera is virtually an extension of her arm. Just to give you an idea, her car trunk is packed with tripods, batteries, lights, and various other equipment because, in her words, “You never know when they’ll come in handy.”

And if you assume that only those in creative fields can truly love their work, take my brother as a counterpoint. He’s a meticulous engineer, always striving for precision and keen on refining every little detail. It amazes me how much attention he gives to the minutiae.

Then there’s my father, a skilled furniture maker. He’s truly talented at what he does, but I can’t say he’s passionate about it. He primarily works for the paycheck.

As for me? I’m still figuring it out. I’m just 18, after all.

For now, I decided to go to university for a widely useful subject, psychology.

In my head, I thought that this degree would be great for any job that involves people – which means basically every job under the sun! Through this university experience, I will pile on a lot of knowledge and try different things, which will hopefully push me in the right direction.

It’s easy to assume that one’s hobbies or skills might not have income-generating potential. However, with a dash of creativity and persistence, nearly any activity or talent can be transformed into a lucrative venture. Whether it’s the simple pleasure of decluttering a space, the thrill of a road trip in your vehicle, or any unique talent you possess — there’s likely a market or opportunity waiting for you.

A Hobby for Mindset

While knowledge feeds the mind, cultivating a positive mindset nourishes the soul. Activities like meditation, volunteering, and acts of kindness can help mold a resilient and empathetic outlook on life.

Knowledge refers to the facts, information, and skills that you know. Mindset is more about your perspective on life and your empathy, which can be, based on my experience, an incredibly helpful trait to have.

Some examples of hobbies that could increase your compassion and adapt your mindset are meditation, traveling abroad, volunteering at good causes, acts of kindness, etc.

Through scientific research, we have found that our mindsets actually play a big role in dictating life outcomes. By learning how to adapt and shift your mindset, you can decrease stress levels and become better at ‘bouncing back’ at life’s challenges.

A Hobby for Mindset

When we weave the tapestry of our lives, it’s made richer by the varied colors of our experiences. Here’s a synthesis of various hobbies, aimed at crafting a holistic mindset for happiness:

  1. Inner Balance Through Meditation: Regularly meditating for 20 minutes sharpens our mind, grounds us in the present, and connects us deeply to our inner selves. The scientifically proven benefits are a testament to its power.
  2. Expressing Joy Through Dance: Reclaim the lost art of dancing to bolster social connections and increase happiness. It’s not just a physical activity; it’s an emotional outlet, proven by science to boost mental health.
  3. Exploring Self Through Acting: While diving deep into a role can bring up emotional turmoil, especially in the professional scene, the thrill of amateur dramatics offers numerous benefits – from breaking out of one’s shell to improving mindfulness.
  4. Harmony With Mind-Body Exercises: Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qigong serve as a bridge connecting the mind and body. Regularly engaging in these exercises not only improves physical health but also shields against mood disorders.
  5. Nature’s Therapy Through Outdoor Activities: Whether it’s running, hiking, or just walking amidst nature, the very act stimulates our body and mind, protecting against depression and imparting a sense of achievement.
  6. Cultivating Creativity Through Art: Artistic pursuits like writing, painting, and photography are more than hobbies. They’re a journey, a way to express and see the world in a new light. They’re mindfulness, creativity, and therapy rolled into one.
  7. Reconnecting with Earth Through Gardening: Tending to a garden is nurturing life. The act of gardening offers a refreshing perspective, slows us down, and is an immense source of joy and relaxation.
  8. Oceanic Calm at the Beach: The rhythmic sound of waves, the softness of the sand, and the vastness of the ocean bring about a serenity that’s unparalleled. A trip to the beach isn’t just leisure; it’s therapy.
  9. The Healing Art of Cooking: From following recipes to creating unique dishes, cooking is a dance of the senses. It’s therapeutic, making us appreciate the essence of food while being a creative outlet.
  10. The Joy of Giving: Altruism isn’t just an act; it’s a way of life. Volunteering, helping, and simply being kind boost our self-worth, offering a sense of purpose and happiness.
  11. Discipline Through Aikido: It’s not just a martial art; it’s a lesson in balance, discipline, and self-awareness. Engaging in Aikido can profoundly transform one’s life and mindset.

In weaving these varied experiences into our daily lives, we create a holistic approach to happiness. It’s about nurturing the mind, body, and soul, finding joy in small things, and continually evolving. Let’s embrace these hobbies, making them a part of our routine, to embark on a lifelong journey of happiness and self-discovery.

A Hobby for Creativity

I think this last one is pretty straightforward. I don’t know about you, but ever since I was old enough to pick up a paintbrush, my mum has encouraged me to stay creative.

From art classes to writing poems, she made sure that I tried as many activities as possible. Some of my favorite examples of creative hobbies are singing, painting, writing, and photography.

It’s important to keep your creative juices flowing by exploring new crafts and hobbies. Creativity thrives on innovation, and engaging in creative activities can lead to fresh ideas and perspectives.

Such artistic endeavors are known to enhance various aspects of your life, such as problem-solving and resilience. Plus, expanding your creativity can provide opportunities to broaden your social connections.

Joining clubs or communities with like-minded individuals allows you to connect and share your passions with people who are just as passionate as you!

Here are a few ideas to get you rolling:

To conclude, I want to emphasize the importance of finding a balance between work, daily responsibilities, and hobbies. Doing this can be incredibly beneficial, and even though it may take a little getting used to (or better time management), it is all worth it in the end.

I suggest sitting down, writing a list of everything you want to add to your lifestyle, and organizing them in order of importance. This may be challenging, but it’s crucial to get your priorities straight.

Once you’ve sorted your list, I encourage you to put together a weekly plan laying out how and when you plan to dive into these hobbies. Remember, not all hobbies are just for having fun but are actually essential for your personal growth and well-being.

Good Luck!

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    Renée Lovange
    Renée Lovange
    Articles: 2

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